Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Step Two: I believe that a Power greater than myself can restore me to sanity.

.My name is Pamela and I am addicted to food. 

Yes, I will likely start many blog posts that way for a long time. Why? Because it is the truth and in order to gain control of an addiction, you must start with truth. I looked up the 12 steps of AA and over the next few weeks I am going to apply them to my relationship with food, posting frequently to this blog. I need the accountability of all of you. And we all need to know we are not alone in this journey. Please feel free to comment with your stories, re-post the blog on your facebook pages and take an active role in your own recovery and journey toward better health. 


I have always believed, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” I still do. But the guilt over my weight had crippled me into believing that I could do all things through Christ if he really cared about them…but maybe I was just created to be a fat person. Maybe I should just get used to it and stop fighting my desires for the poison I called food. 

When you say you can’t eat something, the first reaction from many well-meaning friends is that you are going overboard with your healthy eating plan. “Oh, a little bit won’t hurt you.” Seriously? I have heard that five thousand times. If I went into anaphylaxis every time I ate one of these poisons, as if I were allergic to peanuts or strawberries, my friends would do everything in their power to keep those things away from me. If I were an alcoholic, they would avoid ordering wine with their dinner, even if it were their choice of beverage. But, say no thank you to fries, or chocolate cake, or tell them I am avoiding processed foods as much as possible, and you would think I had lost my mind. 

I get so tired of the lectures about moderation. I know people mean well, but to say that, sounds as if they think we are sitting down to 2 dozen donuts and a pound of bacon with 12 eggs and a gallon of milk every morning. That is truly not the case for most overweight people. Yes, those are the ones you hear about on the sensationalized, reality TV shows; but in reality, (pun intended) most of us who are overweight are not consistently eating huge amounts of food. Not to say that I have never eaten more than I should…of course I have…but suggesting moderation as if it is a new idea is just adding insult to an already frustrating situation.

Honestly, it’s not that most of us don’t know what to do. It’s that we don’t know how to do it. So, here we go…step two. Believe that a power, greater than ourselves can restore us to sanity. Many of my blog followers are Christians. I wonder if we believe what we say we believe? And if so, do we apply that belief to our weight? To our control of the foods we put in our body? To our sanity? If not, it’s time we did.

Today, I believe that my God is fully able to restore sanity to my eating habits. I will likely have to pray for the same thing tomorrow. But, He will be able to do it tomorrow too. 


  1. Thank you I need this like crazy and was wishing I had something like this.I did so well on Prism but they have changed the program so much I couldn't follow it.Also it worked well due to the support.I miss that so bad.

  2. I'm so glad it was helpful. You are truly not alone...I'm trying to post more often because I know how much we all need the support. If you are on facebook we also have a page there at www.facebook.com/pamelashealthypantry I try to post smaller notes etc. there...Thank you so much for commenting.
