Friday, January 14, 2011

Snacking is a Yes - Three times a day!

For years I thought if I just cut out snacks between meals I would be able to lose weight. I was Myth-informed. Snacking is actually super good for you, as long as you snack on the right things.

Healthy eating should always start with breakfast, but if we have eaten a reasonable amount of the right kinds of food at breakfast, we will need a little boost mid morning. Even if we haven't done much heavy work, like an intense workout or moving
furniture, a snack reminds our metabolism to keep moving.

So, how do you choose great snacks? Think about what other foods you are eating that day. If you had a carb-packed breakfast, your snack should be more protein. If your breakfast was an egg and fruit, then a few whole grain crackers and an oz of cheese is perfect. You have complete control over what your snack should be.

One of my favorites, especially after a workout, is a banana and about an ounce of chopped unsalted peanuts. It tastes great, is a good source of potassium and protein, and doesn't cost much. Even stopping by the local ice cream shop, this snack is less than the price of an ice cream cone.

An ounce of cheese is
 2 - 3/4 inch cubes

Mid afternoon, and yes, even in the evening, the appropriate snack is a great thing!

What are some of your favorite healthy snacks. Let's share ideas and compare notes!

Happy Healthy Eating!

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